Superlatives and special exhibitions
| Franziska Stadlmayer
A look back at seven decades of K trade show
What began as a household trade show quickly became the largest showcase for the plastics processing industry. KraussMaffei has been there from the very beginning as an exhibitor. From groundbreaking innovations to current socially critical topics, there is a lot on offer at the K trade show every three years - as the second part of our review shows.
The special exhibitions at K often address socially relevant topics and make plastics tangible. For example, the 2001 special show was held under the motto "Plastics for Space - Problem Solvers on Earth" and was realized in cooperation with the ESA. At K2007, the special exhibition visualized the various uses and applications of polymers, which were illustrated by models.

KraussMaffei participated in special campaigns on numerous occasions, for example as part of a sustainability initiative of the VDMA at the K2013. In this context, KraussMaffei and other machine manufacturers produced a blue Playmobil horse with saddle, halter and reins for the "The Blue Horse" campaign on Düsseldorf's Heinrich Heine Square. By demonstrating injection molding machines in public space, the companies showed how efficiently today's machines work compared to the production of the first Playmobil figures in the 1970s.

The K is known for spectacular exhibits, with KraussMaffei repeatedly presenting superlative machines as well. For example, the KM2300 MXW at the K2007 was such an enormous construction that it was not possible to transport it by truck or ship. Instead, the clamping unit was assembled around six weeks before the start of the trade show in a tent-like structure on the outdoor exhibition grounds of Messe Düsseldorf. The 200-ton machine could only then be transported into the hall shortly before the start of the trade show. After complete assembly with automation and injection unit, the "Monster of the K'07" weighed a good 300 tons and produced interior door panels for passenger cars.
K is also the right forum for big news beyond technical milestones. For example, KraussMaffei announced at the K trade show 2019 that KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff and Netstal will operate under a joint brand in the future: KraussMaffei. The new claim "Pioneering Plastics" contains the company's promise to drive forward the recycling of plastics as part of the Circular Economy and using innovations. This thematic trend has accompanied the K trade show for some time and is continuing in its 70th anniversary year. The key themes of K2022: "Circular Economy, Climate Protection and Digitalization."

In the third part of our series on 70 years of the K trade show, find out how long-time employees remember their experiences in Düsseldorf.