Only consume the energy that is actually needed for your production
| Petra Rehmet
BluePower servo drive reduces energy costs
The BluePower servo drive controls the pumps according to the optimum energy requirement. This means that only as much energy is consumed as is currently needed in your injection molding process.
Save electricity and money
with the BluePower servo drive for example with an injection molding machine of the GX series.
The example calculation based on a GX 1300 injection molding machine (clamping force 13,000 kN) makes the savings clear. If we assume 6,000 production hours, a shot weight of 1,155 grams and a cycle time of 60.3 seconds, the BluePower servo drive saves up to 75,000 kWh of electricity a year. At an energy price of 0.12 €/kWh, that equals EUR 9,000.
The CO2 footprint is also slashed. The BluePower servo drive means up to 30 fewer tons of emissions are released into the atmosphere.
Because less is more - Learn more about KraussMaffei solutions that help you to improve your energy efficiency and sensibly conserve resources in our series "energy efficiency".