Women @KraussMaffei: Veronika Ďuríková
| Ana Laura Vera
We present strong women at KraussMaffei
Veronika knows exactly who has joined our company over the last 2 years. She looks for pioneers in various job areas all while meeting the expectations of both parties - the company and potential employees.
What does International Women's Day mean to you?
Veronika Ďuríková
This day is for me a highlight of the importance of women in all walks of life. Highlight of all that a woman has to manage in her life. With International Women’s Day we all show that we understand and value women’s contributions. I am very happy to see that the perception of women as mainly housewifes is slowly but surely changing and society is realizing what a great asset women are in all spheres.
Who has been the woman who has inspired you the most and why?
Veronika Ďuríková
Definitely my mom. The upbringing she gave me and the support she continues to be to me, despite having an incredible amount to deal with herself. After all, motherhood is a thing that no one prepares us for. We must grapple with this responsibility to pass on only our best as mothers. At the same time, women in the technical and managerial spheres are an inspiration to me, those who are pioneers and who break the conventional ideas that women are not suited to such positions.
How do you balance your work life with your personal passions?
Veronika Ďuríková
It's mostly about prioritizing tasks, if something isn't burning and it's not a priority, I can put it off. When I´m on vacation it's a vacation, not a space to work from home. In my free time I snowboard, hike and I also love to travel. During these activities I can really relax and enjoy the beautiful Slovak mountains or some beautiful place abroad.

Veronika enjoys hiking, traveling and snowboarding.

What do you think is the biggest challenge of being a woman these days?
Veronika Ďuríková
In Slovakia, we are far behind in the culture of perceived equality between men and women. There are different demands and criteria for us women. To give an example, when was the last time you heard of a man being inappropriately or provocatively dressed? So why do we address something like that with women? Let each and every one wear whatever they want. But I would like to point out that I´m happy to be a woman, I feel very comfortable in my own skin.
What advice would you give to women in the future?
Veronika Ďuríková
Don't be afraid to go for your goal and always take advantage of the opportunities available.

Veronika hiking with friends

From your point of view, what is the best way to commemorate Women's Day?
Veronika Ďuríková
I celebrate it by gifting women in my neighborhood, because when I gift someone, I have a double joy when I prepare a gift for that person and then from the sincere joy of the gifted person. My ideal celebration of women's day would be to enjoy the whole day just for myself. I would have time to relax and enjoy my hobbies.