Women @KraussMaffei: Winnie Yang
| Ana Laura Vera
We present strong women at KraussMaffei
Winnie works as a Sales Support Manager and is primarily responsible for the sales support team, which supports the sales department in China.
What does International Women's Day mean to you?
Winnie Yang
It means happiness as it helps to alleviate the stress I suffer, and pride because I feel the respect and care from the whole society.
Who has been the woman who has inspired you the most and why?
Winnie Yang
My mother. She has inspired and influenced me since I was a kid. She has a strong sense of responsibility for her work, and at the same time shows her family patience, support and care. She is a role model showing how an independent woman dedicated to keeping learning should be like.
How do you balance your work life with your personal passions?
Winnie Yang
I stay curious and enthusiastic to ensure the ability to discover interesting things at work and in life. We work just for a better life, and this life is supported by our work. They complement each other.

What do you think is the biggest challenge of being a woman these days?
Winnie Yang
I think time management is the biggest challenge, because you have to commit considerable time and resources to doing a job, which entails less time allocated to your family. So, it is particularly important to improve your study and work efficiency and pace life and work.
What advice would you give to women in the future?
Winnie Yang
Care for yourself. Being kind to yourself by relieving your stress will allow you to stay happy. Also, stay placid and refrain from competition with others. And last but not least - keep learning and reflect on yourself.

From your point of view, what is the best way to commemorate Women's Day?
Winnie Yang
We should be proud of ourselves and should spend every day as Women's Day! Employers, our family and the whole society should be proud of us.